Virtual Fasting

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Lesson 41

Just like we can fast with food, we can fast with technology. I know this may initially seem like the opposite of what we want to do, but think about some of the things we have already discussed. Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. The right thing at the wrong time becomes the wrong thing. Even the sharpest knife becomes dull with overuse. I know it is so paradoxical, but fasting with technology actually makes you more productive with technology. It improves the relationship, and gives you somewhat of a fresh start.

With regular fasting, you can do intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting. Intermittent fasting is when you don’t eat for certain hours of the day, where prolonged fasting can be multiple days at a time. Please do not try prolonged fasting until you have properly researched it, otherwise it can be dangerous if done incorrectly.

We can do the same thing with virtual fasting, and I highly recommend it. Something fascinating that happens too is you are somewhat playing a trick on the brain with this to multiply your benefits. If you just take a break from your computer work, your brain may tell you that you are lazy, but if you are virtual fasting, your brain will consider it productive and overcoming a challenge — quite literally rewarding you chemically with happiness and more energy.

To practice intermittent virtual fasting, simply set hours where you use technology and when you don’t. Be flexible, especially in the beginning. Perhaps you could say, I am not going to use technology after 8:00 PM, then virtually fast until the morning. If you are more of a night owl, which I suspect some of you reading might be, do virtual fasting in the morning. You could say, I am not going to go online until 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM. These are arbitrary numbers, but you get the idea.

This is adding structure to your day and integrating discipline into your life. While you are virtually fasting, you are giving your eyes, ears, and mind a much-needed break. Further, you are metaphorically “sharpening the knife” — with fresh eyes and new energy, you will experience a burst of productivity each time you start again.

As for prolonged virtual fasting, I highly recommend that too. Obviously, don’t go off the grid for a few months right now. We are in the middle of the AI Revolution! However, a fun and amazing way to do this digital detox is camping for a weekend. I love to go camping in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Every time I go camping for a few days (virtual fasting as I do), I come back supercharged, and my productivity is sky-high!

In essence, virtual fasting is pratyahara (Petal of Yoga #5) in practice. You are giving your senses and mind a break — especially the eyes and ears. You are also “sharpening the knife” , and then utilizing the tool more effectively when you come back.