Union and Harmony

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Lesson 22

There are many different definitions for yoga, and it is important to have your own. Remember, I believe that “focus” is the single best definition of yoga. However, words often have multiple different meanings, and a commonly used definition of yoga is “union” — the coming together and integration of mind, body, and spirit. Note that “union” could also be interpreted as the final stage of focus — samadhi (union with focus). In regards to the union of mind, body, and spirit, we ideally want everything working in harmony, instead of being fragmented and compartmentalized.

I am still in awe of the ability of AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini to bring everything together. I’m not just talking about diverse information and perspectives. The multimodality is also incredible — text, speech, and video coming together in an integrated way. It is often through integration that power is multiplied. The same can be said for a human. Body, mind, and spirit are all powerful on their own compartmentalized, however bringing them together into an integrated unit is where the true power is unlocked.

There are levels, or circles, to this. First and foremost, we want to be in harmony with ourselves. We want to be in harmony with others, and with nature. We want to be in harmony with everything, including AI. Separation and division weakens, where integration and unity strengthens. Let’s do everything we can to make sure AI brings things together, not apart.