Intention and Direction

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Lesson 23

Imagine you are out at sea, with no land visible. If you are in the middle of the ocean, it is very important to have a compass and know where you want to go. How does this relate to AI? We are currently swimming in a sea of information, with infinitely more information pouring in. There is no sign of it letting up. If you don’t have a strong intention and sense of direction, it is too easy to get lost.

Be as intentional as possible, and constantly remind yourself of your direction so you don’t fall off track. You have the opportunity of a lifetime right now. It is easier than it has ever been to do something truly great, however at the same time, it has never been harder. How can that be? Aren’t those opposites? Life is interesting like that. As I learned from the Tao Te Ching, some of the best truths are paradoxical.

When I say it has never been easier, I mean that you have the most powerful tools ever created available to you, as well as instant access to all information in the world. The level of connection is truly incredible, and people just 100 years ago would be in disbelief. You are able to do things so fast and at such an immense scale now.

However, at the same time, things have never been more difficult. With such speed and so many changing variables, life can be very overwhelming. I think we all know how stressful and traumatic life can be nowadays. Money isn’t what it used to be, and crazy events are the norm. Further, there are more distractions than ever before. There are literally distractions and things to get addicted to everywhere you look. I am not necessarily even talking about drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. I am also talking about the sugar and addictive properties of a lot of foods, television shows, and internet personalities.

If you allow yourself to get caught up in all these things, you will miss what is most important. Intention and direction can help mitigate many of the challenges just mentioned, making life much easier. Make sure you always have your metaphorical compass, and make sure you know your true north.