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Lesson 55

On average, a person will sleep about a third of their entire life. There is no getting around it, and it is obviously important. We all know what life is like when we are well rested and what it is like running on empty. There is such a difference. Remember, optimization is not always about adding something new, but improving (or mastering) what you already do. Sleep is one of those funny paradoxes. A good night’s sleep is truly one of the most productive things you can do, because for the entire day after, you are operating on a higher level.

How can we sleep better? Like all things involving health, it is an individualized journey. However, there are some things that work effectively for most people. We have talked about a few already. Getting exercise during the day leads to better sleep at night. Eating healthy plays a big role. Meditation and deep breathing works wonders. It is very helpful not to eat a big meal close to bedtime. Digesting food uses energy and takes away from sleep quality.

I want to highlight two more very important things. For better sleep, get out of negative electromagnetic fields and away from light. I will admit that I have done a lot of work on my laptop in bed, then have fallen asleep. This is a bad habit because it exposes me to unnecessary negative EMFs and light, which can disrupt sleep.

Negative electromagnetic fields are real, and we will do a quick deep dive in the upcoming lessons. Yes, they are invisible, but if you don’t get out of them for sleep, you won’t be fully rested. The nervous system will be slightly stimulated throughout the night. As for the eyes, if you stimulate them with light, it will be more difficult to fall asleep.

Sleep quality matters. How you rest largely determines how you work.