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Lesson 19

Have you ever heard of saucha before the 8 Petals of Yoga in this book? Many people, including yoga practitioners, have not. As discussed in Lesson 2, saucha is a Sanskrit word that translates to “purity and cleanliness”. It is truly amazing that so many people have heard of yoga, but have absolutely no idea about saucha. With all due respect, it shows how far we have collectively strayed from the original teachings of yoga.

Saucha is literally one of the most important parts of yoga! It is the first one of the niyamas from the 8 Petals of Yoga. Further, it is the only one of the yamas and niyamas (10 in total) mentioned twice in the benefits section of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Sadhana Pada, verses 35-45). It clearly says that saucha is the specific yoga principle that results in the greatest benefits — including freedom from desire, permanent cheerfulness, fitness for the highest levels of spirituality, as well as mastery of focus and mastery over the senses. Those are some pretty good benefits!

Where does this come in with AI? Speech is a reflection of mind — so is behavior, and so is what you create. With AI being a tool we use, it is an extension of us. The more pure we are, the better the extension. This is purity on all levels — body, mind, and spirit. The more you practice purity, the clearer you will see, and the more productive you will be.