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Lesson 20

It is said in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali that if you master non-attachment, there is no need to even meditate. Non-attachment is that powerful. Unfortunately, due to a big misunderstanding of who we truly are, it is easier than ever to become attached and identified with a myriad of things. It is honestly just too easy to get attached to people, places, and methods these days. This is a bad habit in the fast ever-changing world of AI, where we can’t get attached and need to learn how to rapidly adapt.

There is a famous story about two monks that stumbled upon a woman trying to cross a river. One monk picks the woman up and carries her across. The other monk was in shock because they were not supposed to touch women. The monks continued walking, but the monk who watched this occur kept ruminating on it until he finally exploded in anger. He yelled at the monk who helped the woman cross the river — exclaiming that he is supposed to be a monk and should act like it. The monk who helped the woman across calmly responded with, “I put the woman down at the river bank, but you are still carrying her in your mind.”

Once you cross a river with a boat, don’t carry the boat with you for the rest of the journey. It served its purpose, now you have to let it go, otherwise it becomes a hinderance. This same thing has happened, and will continue to happen, with AI. We need to let go of outdated models, methods, and behaviors, otherwise we will fall behind. Non-attachment is a way to maximize productivity now, as well as enjoyment later.