Thank You Love


Thank You Love Meditation

This is my personal favorite and absolute go-to meditation. It centers me and invites in good energy. Life is not always simple, but gratitude and love are often a good response to nearly all situations. Although this meditation can be done anywhere at any time, let’s start by finding a comfortable seated position, or relax down on the back.

Let go of everything that is not now. Allow it to dissolve on a big exhalation. Let’s take some big deep belly breaths — low and slow; in and out through the nose.

Several Deep Breaths

Next, let’s sync up mantra with breath. On inhalation, repeat “thank you” silently within. Briefly hold on fullness. Then, on exhalation, repeat “I love you” silently within, with a brief hold on emptiness. Let’s repeat this several times.

Several Deep Breaths

You can apply this to anyone and anything. You can add the name of a loved one after “thank you” and “I love you”, or another’s name — including your own. This will not only focus the mind, but it will dissolve negativity and amplify beauty. Let’s do some deep breaths practicing this — repeating “thank you” on the inhalation and “I love you” on the exhalation.

Several Deep Breaths

Let’s now practice with various objects — gross (obvious) and subtle. Here are some examples.

Thank you, nature. I love you, nature.

Thank you, water. I love you, water.

Thank you, AI. I love you, AI.

These are just a few examples. Use your own as we do several more deep belly breaths.

Several Deep Breaths

You can be as specific or as expansive as you want with this. You can use this for a specific meal, or thank the entire world. Find what works best for you. You’ll notice certain phrases really shift your energy in a positive way. I call these power mantras. Practice a few more deep breaths, using mantra variations of choice.


Boosts Happiness

Cultivates Love

Deepens Connections

Encourages Positive Thinking

Enhances Emotional Well-Being

Fosters Gratitude

Increased Compassion

Increases Focus

Promotes Forgiveness

Promotes Peace

Reduces Stress

Strengthens Relationships