Staying Humble

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Lesson 30

Adaptability, non-attachment, staying humble, and unlearning all go together. You will only be right in the end if you can admit you were wrong along the way. This is a tough one, I know! However, the value of being able to admit you were wrong is immense. Being able to adapt and not be attached to old methods and old tools (in essence, unlearn) will allow you to be successful beyond belief in the fast-changing realm of AI.

Stay humble when working with AI, and stay humble in life. This opens you up to the maximum amount of help, because you are able to learn from others. Thinking that you know the absolute best way and you have it all figured out is a sure sign and guarantee that you don’t and you won’t.

As we probably all have, I went through a phase where I thought I had it all figured out. I didn’t, and I still don’t. However, I am getting closer to a clearer picture all the time because I am able to remain humble. There are so many benefits of staying humble. It is one of the primary things that will lead you to the truth of who you are, as well as to your destiny. It opens you up to so much in life, and I am not just talking about innovation and higher productivity. I am also talking about the beauty of true connection. I consider being humble one of my greatest strengths and most valuable assets.

I want to share a story that may help with staying humble. I have come to realize that being self-made is a myth. I know there is a lot of talk about being self-made from rap stars and entrepreneurs, however that is not the full truth. Yes, I bet they worked extremely hard, and I am not taking anything away from their ingenuity and success. However, there is not one person on Earth that is completely independent and completely self-made. We are made by our experiences in life, and by the people we connect with. Yes, I have my own identity, but at the same time I see so much of my parents in myself — certain behaviors, patterns, and values. I see mentors I had in myself — still living their teachings to this day, even if they have passed on. I now even am starting to see strangers in myself as I learn to connect with people on a deeper level — heart to heart. It is not just people. The experiences we go through in life — good and bad — can greatly shape who we are. So much went into creating all of us. You are not self-made, but it is like you are an entire universe. Paradoxically, the more humble you are, the greater you become.