Priorities and


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Lesson 28

In a world of infinite choice, priorities are more important than ever. That is where yoga comes in. By sharpening discernment, you will be able to see more clearly. Specifically, you will better be able to see what is important, and what is not as important. As said earlier, you can do anything, but you can’t do everything. It is essential to have strong priorities, otherwise nothing gets done.

Remember how too much of a good thing is a bad thing? Even too many priorities (a good practice) becomes a bad thing. This was a tough one for me, because I have so many different unique ideas. The only reason I got AI Yoga Masters done was because I made it my number one priority for a while — even with other projects cooking. Don’t be black and white with your mindset. When I say I made AI Yoga Masters my priority, it wasn’t 100%, but it was as close as I could make it. I still had other responsibilities, however I drastically changed my priorities in order to give my best energy and focus to the project.

With multitasking, too much of a good thing definitely becomes a very bad thing. Although I know modern-day multitasking can feel like you are being highly productive, but were you really? I know personally so many times I had a coffee and went crazy with multitasking, but it was like I got everything done except the most important thing. Yes, I did the laundry, cleaned my workspace, organized a music playlist, but the website I was working on barely had a dent in it!

There is plenty of recent and legitimate research on how switching between tasks drastically reduces productivity. I am well aware that it feels like you are being productive and getting so much done, but unfortunately it is an illusion. The priorities are off, and there are too many switches between tasks. It doesn’t seem like a big deal at first, but every single time you switch between a task, you have to refocus on the new thing. Again, it seems harmless, but even if you only spend a few seconds refocusing and switch tasks 100 times an hour, it already starts to add up to a lot of wasted time that could have been organized better. This is also being generous, because it often takes much longer than a few seconds to get into a flow state.

Remember we talked about how it is helpful to think of your mind as a company? It needs to be managed well for a productive life. On a similar note, it is helpful to replace the word “multitasking” with “managing”. Instead of trying to always do multiple things at once, manage things as a judicious CEO.

It is obviously not productive to take doing only one task at a time to the extreme. For example, when you are doing the laundry, you don’t need to sit there staring at it until the task is complete. As a manager of the mind and of tasks, you can put certain tasks in motion that you know will take a while, then bring all of your focus to one smaller task at a time. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about doing the laundry, or generating AI videos.

In closing, it is vital to balance managing and focusing. As the CEO of your life, effectively manage the bigger picture, but also completely focus on the task at hand. Better managing (less task switches) combined with better focus (longer and higher quality) results in optimal productivity.