Inversion Therapy

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Lesson 45

It is important to say right from the start that inversion therapy is not for everyone. Please consult your doctor before starting an inversion practice. People with neck problems, eye problems, sinus problems, heart problems, high blood pressure, or epilepsy should exercise extreme caution, or not practice at all.

Like balance, inversion should be looked at as a spectrum — not binary extremes. It is not about being right-side-up or completely upside-down. You don’t have to go 180 degrees upside-down to receive benefit. 45 degrees is fine, or even 10 degrees. You want to start where you are at, then gradually build up the duration and intensity.

Downward-facing dog is a gentle inversion. Legs-up-the-wall is another great example. Anything that places the head below the heart is considered an inversion in yoga. Inversion therapy is a great way to reset the body and mind. It is excellent for circulation, and it literally gives you a different perspective.