Earthing and Discharging

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Lesson 43

This is one of the things that is unbelievable and seems too good to be true until you try it. I have been practicing Earthing for years, and I have directly experienced the benefits. Earthing involves being barefoot on the Earth. I know this may sound silly, but the benefits are extraordinary. Thousands and thousands of people have already benefitted from Earthing, and the book is pretty famous if you haven’t heard of it yet. There is also a documentary if you prefer that format.

Earthing works because it completes the circuit. As humans, we are energetic beings. This is not spiritual. This is science. We all have measurable electromagnetic fields. Because of the explosion of wireless technology, many people literally carry excess negative energy with them in their energetic field. If it is not discharged, it corrupts the system and eventually can even manifest as disease.

Earthing directly connects your energetic field to the energetic field of the Earth, which discharges accumulated negative energy. Again, if this is your first time hearing this, I know it almost sounds crazy, but there is a large amount of evidence and research supporting this. Check it out for yourself.

What about if it is too cold to be barefoot? Good question! I originally wrote this lesson during January in Massachusetts — too cold to be barefoot. They make Earthing mats that can be used indoors. This would be a strong addition to your workspace. Further, we learn in Tai Chi that there are 12 major energy meridians in the body. All the major energy meridians start or end in the hands or feet. You can use your hands to discharge negative energy as well — placing them on the Earth, or on a tree. You can actually bring any big cluster of nerves close to the Earth to discharge negative energy. This includes the head, the heart, and the trunk. My favorite way to do this is hugging a tree. I’m going for the world-record by the way!

Discharge negative energy from your field before it corrupts the energetic system. This should be done on a regular basis, especially if you are working with AI.