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Lesson 48

Programming is obviously a big topic in AI, but what about the opposite? What about deprogramming? Deprogramming is unlearning in practice. It is the process of deleting programs that are outdated or no longer benefit you. What are some of the best ways to deprogram?

Yoga is one of the most effective ways to deprogram and let go of what no longer serves you. The yoga poses help with that release, but what is most effective is focus. According to yoga philosophy, focusing on a single point is the most effective way to delete programs (Verse 32 of Yoga Sutras). How is that? Consider this visual. Let’s imagine you are now a gardener of consciousness; a gardener of your mind. Whatever you water will grow. Whatever you don’t water will eventually wither and die. Attention is the water of the mind. If you do not give certain thoughts, beliefs, or programs any attention, eventually they wither and die (get deleted). This is tough at first, but it is also real. Whatever you focus on, you give power to. Don’t focus on something, and it eventually gets deleted.

In addition to yoga, being around loving people and spending time in nature are extremely effective ways to deprogram. If you are around caring friends or family, they will prevent any negative programs or thoughts from getting out of control. They will help talk you out of negativity. When you know someone cares about you, you think about yourself differently. Knowing that, give people this gift. As with nature, it is due to the positive electromagnetic fields of the trees. They literally pull negative energy out of you. They wash away stress and negative thoughts.

These are just a few powerful ways to deprogram. There are undoubtedly others. Try what has been proven to work for people, but also experiment to find what works best for you personally. Remember, unlearning is as important as learning. Sometimes, it is more important.